Inspectcheck has a wide variety of options for performing condition assessment inspections, which can include a review of your unit’s assets or a full, in-depth assessment of the entire property.
Customizable Property Assessments
Whether you are creating a Property Condition Assessment or Due Diligence Inspection, inspectors can use Inspectcheck to create a custom inspection report package that evaluates the age, condition, and actions needed. You will be able to create brilliant reports complete with photos, notes, and your ratings of areas of the property. Put an end to costly down time between your site visit and creating your final report.

Complete Property Condition Assessments in the field
You can create detailed analysis and reports as soon as your site visit is complete. Capture the condition, age, remaining life, and required action for every item in your inspection. Then, produce reports in PDF or Excel format that show the replacement cost estimates based on your replacement cost schedule. You can create brilliant, complete reports as soon as the inspection is completed. In Inspectcheck’s cloud based management center, you can also track costs, conditions, and overall performance with a series of deeply analytic reports.
Whether you are a professional inspector conducting property needs assessments or a property management company trying to establish a budget based on the actual condition of your property’s assets, InspectCheck can build a better inspection for your company.
Learn More about our Property Needs Inspections and Due Diligence